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While Facebook currently has more users, the level of engagement and content potential for Instagram is off the charts (an estimated 500 million monthly visitors and 4.2 billion likes daily). To take full advantage of this platform it’ll require your business to post more than Mother’s Day wishes. You need to engage your followers so they frequently comment and respond to your posts.

These five methods will boost engagement on your Instagram account:

  1. Include a Call to Action: Ask your followers engaging questions and encourage them to tag their friends alongside the photos your company shares. This will not only get your followers actively involved but it opens the door for others to come on board once they’ve been tagged.
  2. Hashtags Are Still Relevant: Even if you might have stopped using hashtags on your personal Instagram account, they are still extremely important for getting people to find your page. It pushes your content to the widest possible audience and attracts new followers. If you’re like me and think that four lines of hashtags look ugly then you can use this neat trick to hide them:
    social media toronto
    All you need to do is open up a Notes-type app and put five periods on separate lines ahead of your hashtags. This will mask them from appearing right next to your post but won’t hinder them from attracting new followers.
  3. Run Contests: By running various contests on Instagram, you can get people drop a follow or tag a friend in exchange for a chance to win a prize. It’s a tactic that you can you use on almost any social media tool and Instagram is no different. The prize should also be related to your services as this will boost your brand presence.
  4. Make Instagram Stories: Instagram has slowly developed a big lead over Snapchat on Stories because of their appeal to multiple age groups and you need to take advantage of this opportunity. Post daily stories that show people around the office and lets your customers see the heart that goes into your product. You can also use it to advertise any sales that are going on at the moment.  Most importantly it allows you to share your content without taking over your customer’s feed.
  5. Like and Comment on Other People’s Posts: If you’re tired of waiting around for people to come to you, then go to them. By going on the Explore page and searching with relevant hashtags, you will find people who might be interested in your products or services. Like and comment on posts that you think would attract the user and their followers. Don’t ask them to follow you or check out your page, just give them a sweet message regarding their post.

If you’re looking to improve your presence on Instagram or any other social media platform, shoot us a message and we would be glad to help you.


Social Media Marketing Coordinator
Mystique Brand Communications

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