toronto marketing team

It’s been a while. Yeah, I know, I know – too long. I’ve come to terms with the fact that unless I schedule time to write that it won’t get done. And starting today, I’m committing to writing a brief message on a weekly basis. Anyway…

First off – I’m sad to report that Shawn has returned to the Soo. Shawn came to Toronto with the intent of gaining a few years of big city experience to take back home to Sault Ste. Marie. We consider ourselves lucky that he stayed with Mystique for 8 years and in that time produced a lot of good design. We wish him continued success.

I’m pleased and excited at the addition of three new designers to the Mystique Creative family: Alyssya Polsinelli, Renee Richards, and Vincent Hiemstra.

Many of you may already know Alyssya as she’s been on our payroll for a quarter now. We hired Alyssya after a successful internship with us.

Alyssya Polsinelli
Alyssya Polsinelli
Position: Graphic designer
Born: Toronto
Education: Durham College
Likes: Dancing, Baseball, Music and Traveling
Dislikes: People leaving garbage in my car and when my desktop is messy.
Inspirations: My mom

Renee Richards
Renee Richards
Position: Graphic designer
Born: In Toronto but lived in North Carolina most of my life
Education: Appalachian State University
Likes: Seeing anything I’ve never seen before, innovative designs, traveling
Dislikes: Puppies with clothing, lemon meringue pie, movies with subtitles
Inspirations : Stephan Sagmeister, John Saunders, Lance Wyman, Sean Ohlenkamp

Renee has just moved back to Toronto and is looking to make her mark in the TO design community. Look for her blog tomorrow.

Vincent Hiemstra
Vincent Hiemstra
Position: Graphic Design Intern
Born: Zeist, the Netherlands
Education: Graphics College Utrecht
Likes: Reading, Traveling, Online Gaming
Dislikes: Ketchup Flavored Chips, A line at the movies, Traffic
Inspirations: Chris Metzen, Jack Vergel

Please stop in and get acquainted with the new design staff here at Mystique Creative.

paul bies

Paul Bies
Mystique Brand Communications