marketing communications toronto

If you don’t already know, the latest smart phones and quick response codes (QR codes) are entering into online and offline marketing. QR codes are a hot item in mobile marketing as more and more advertisers add them to their marketing initiatives.

More than just a ‘cool factor’, QR codes drive website traffic from print and direct mail. Magazine ads are using QR codes instead of asking their audiences to manually type in their information. Scanning the code into a phone automatically allows access to immediate information. By adding the QR code into a direct response piece, you can easily transmit the user to product information, websites, contact information and much more. This can potentially lead to an immediate sale or conversion, plus by using services such as you can track the success of your campaign.

As the techno-savvy buyer travels by foot or motorization, realty agents can take advantage of immediate access to information about prospective real estate by offering the 2D barcode to those with a scanner app loaded on their smartphone. Sure beats typing in a phone number or address to view info on that newly-listed house you just jogged by.

marketing agency toronto

The immediacy of the QR code means quicker response. Imagine you have a video on YouTube. Post your QR code and immediately drive traffic to your movie trailer, commercial or music video. Add a QR code to your next event invitation so your uncle Bob can scan it in for Google map directions and not end up getting lost in some bar.

So the question you should be asking yourself is: “why aren’t I taking advantage of QR codes, and what should I use it on to leverage my online and offline communications?” Contact us at Mystique Creative and we’ll show you how.


frank beecham

Frank Beecham
Mystique Brand Communications