We’re well into the new year and most of us are back to business as usual. If you haven’t already, it’s time to review your business’ progress over 2019 and make business resolutions to help you get the most out of 2020.
Here are a few to get you started on planning and setting goals for the new year.
1) Update Your Business Plan
Keeping your business plan up to date gives you the chance to see where your business currently stands, and can help you develop a strategy for growth. Have your goals changed? Has the market changed? Using your vision and mission as the foundation, set new goals. Be ambitious.
2) Commit to Strategy Before Tactics
Once you’ve defined the exact person, business or problem that embodies your ideal client you need to craft a way to communicate why your specific product or service produces greater value than every other option. You then need to commit to using this strategy to guide you for every marketing decision that follows – including product/service mix, pricing, identity elements, customer service and hiring.
3) Create a Tactical Road Map
Consider how to get in front of prospects and customers alike. Map out ongoing touchpoint opportunities through multiple channels to generate active lead generation.
Define specific actions or tasks that will you help carry out your strategy. Take into consideration the cost as well as the amount of sales you’ll need to cover the costs. Will you need new staff to handle your marketing efforts or new business? Be prepared for changes in the way you do business.
Break down your plan into monthly, weekly and daily activities. Make sure you schedule the time to do what’s necessary. Don’t be afraid to use external support to accomplish your goals.
4) Integrate a lead conversion process
To help convert leads into customers you should consider developing a system to nurture and track campaigns across all channels. Create a closed-loop follow-up process so leads don’t slip through the cracks. Establish a lead qualification process to make sure all sales reps use the same consistent methodology. What is your response when a prospect requests more information? How will you orient a new customer?
Track your performance relative to your various marketing initiatives in order to measure campaign effectiveness.
As you achieve your goals be sure to take time to celebrate every success, big and small. With each celebration, your confidence and commitment will grow making it easier to reach your ambitious goals.
Need help? Contact us today to discuss your plans for acquisition and business development.
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Mystique Brand Communications