6 social media trends for 2018

No field of Marketing changes more than social media. With the new generations coming, it becomes harder to predict how the landscape will change. However, a few trends will set the mood for 2018. Maybe not all of them are a fit for your business, but if social is...

A Marketing Plan Checklist for your Small Business – 2020

2020 has arrived. And if you haven’t already started on your marketing plan and budget for the new decade – this checklist might come in handy. Regardless of your vertical – from dental care to car repair, accounting to manufacturing – the marketplace continues to...

CASL and What Your Business Needs to Do

You might recall that in 2014, the Canada Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) was announced in order to require businesses to obtain consent from recipients when  sending commercial electronic messages (CEMs). A transitioning period begun the summer of that year and it’s set...

The Benefits of Outsourcing your Marketing

As a business owner or marketing manager that’s responsible for the bottom line you may be struggling with the question…”To outsource marketing or not?” While outsourcing marketing, or parts of it, to an agency can also be challenging you’ll...

Brand Marketing for Startups

As the world becomes increasingly more globalized and marketplaces become faster to enter, startups can find many reasons to be optimistic about achieving success but this does not mean the road becomes any less difficult. You need to make sure that your company is...